

MICTTD MSP 2021-2023

The MICTTD is glad to present the Ministry Strategic Plan (MSP) 2021-2024. With over 240 activities, underpinned by 86 strategic objectives to achieve four main goals, these planned strategies and activities is the collective work of the senior management team from the MICTTD Divisions and SOEs that covers the four years from 2021 to 2024.

Policy Administration

Policy Administration and Support Services division provides administrative support and advice for the efficient operation of the Ministry.  It undertakes operational management, including human resources, corporate planning, and policy development and planning of MICT activity, including budget management, building maintenance, registry services and support services.

State Owned Enterprises

MICT is responsible for 9 State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), out of which 6 are Authorities and 1 Commission established and governed by their respective Acts. However MICT is still mandated to oversee the performance of the following Corporations and Government owned enterprises:

Kiribati Ports Authority (KPA)

The KPA is established under the Kiribati Ports Authority Act 1990 and commenced its operation on the 10th January 2010 for the following purposes: